Hello, my name is Chad and I'm a recovering facebook addict


I have a theory that there are a lot of us. Excited to preach our niche worldview to that small subset of the world we call "friends" on Facebook, only to be left feeling frustrated by a lack of reciprocation and understanding. But we keep going back. Why? My hope is that I can break this cycle of madness and find a more quality audience to share ideas and grow with on this space that which is named Steemit. So here we go.

Who Am I?

My name is Chad and I'm pretty much the opposite of what Urban Dictionary says I am. I believe I live somewhere in the fog between normal and abnormal, but that might be my desire to not be classified as a "Chad". My day job is a software engineer but that's not what I identify with. It just pays the bills better than anything else right now and I don't hate it. Anyways, who am I?

A Musician


My main passion that has always stuck with me is music. I've been writing songs and playing in bands since I was about 13. Around that age, I started a pop-punk band called The Kretins. Being a young kid playing firehouse punk rock shows was what first exposed me the idea of a subculture. While this subculture felt more "real" than normal society, it still felt fake and forced to me. This has been my general view towards these small tribes. I usually keep my distance while still sampling the great art and ideas that come from them. Currently, I'm playing in a rock band called The Turn Leaves and I've been quite a few bands in the years prior.

A Virtual Reality Enthusiast/Developer

Virtual Reality

I am a "Yes" man. I like to experience as many different perspectives as possible. We are now in the dawn of an era where technology can offer the ability to experience any environment that can be imagined. While the quality of these experiences don't yet equal the experience that reality offers, they soon will, at least visually. It's all just photons sent through our retinas anyway.

This is what intrigues me so much about virtual reality, especially the social aspects of it. I imagine a not too distant future where we inhabit hyper-realistic avatars as we explore the infinite universe of human imagination together. I've already experienced the "early 90s chat room" version of this in AltspaceVR and it's fucking amazing. Some people have a dystopian view of virtual reality. Meh, I think text based communication is the more dystopian/disconnected form. Whoops, should I be saying that on Steemit?:)

A Gardener


Deep within me, there is a need to know that I can be completely self sufficient. Maybe it comes from a feeling of vulnerability and a dislike of dependency or maybe it's just an evolutionary desire to provide for myself. Either way, it is definitely heightened by that bright white blast of information that seems to be telling us that societal collapse is a possibility so I better learn how to get my own food. Plus, I just like creating things and watching them grow.

A Decentralist

I am a decentralist. I've never really heard anyone call themselves that but I can't commit myself to being a libertarian, anarchist or anywhere in between. I don't think I can ever claim to have supreme knowledge, but a decentralized society is a hell of a lot more preferable to me than a centralized one. A lot of what I plan on talking about here will be about how far can we push that decentralization.

Goodbye For Now

So that's my best shot at summarizing myself and my passions on this post. I've been on a journey to the cellular level of details on each and I'm looking forward to sharing my ideas with you on these topics. Stay tuned!

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