Introducing myself and my mission on the blockchain

Hello fellow Hiveians!
I created this account because I want to make a difference and help cats that needs help. There are so many cats that are living despicable lives here because people have left them after their summer vacation, bought a cat and after a while just got tierd of them and then just leave them in the forest or cat's left behind when people die.


There are so many fantastic organisations here in Sweden that on voluntary bases work day and night to help cats. They feed them, take care of them, help them get to the vet when they are sick and help them get adopted to new families.
I want to help these organisation here on this amazing blockchain. One person can't make a big difference, or atleast I can't make any financial difference since I'm a student, but together we as a community can make a big difference.

I plegde that for every upvote, repost and donation, I will make donations to different organisation all over sweden that aims to help cats. There are many, and I will talk about different organisations in future posts and showcase what type of cases they are collecting money for right now.

Here is my first candidate for getting help!


Facebook post

This is one cat that have been caught, who have been living outside for years on Öland, a swedish county, and where in poor condition. The cat had infections in both it's eyes and the skin around the eye rolls inwards and fur has long been lying and rubbing in the eye.

So please comment if you know different communities that I should join or if you have any other tip for me to get a greater reach. I wil listen to any advice since I'm new to the platform.

Thanks in advance and let's help so many cats as possible together!

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