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My Introduction To Hive — Born and bred Londoner and music industry professional


I’m so excited to be here.

A bit about me…

I live in London with my beautiful fiancé in a little place in Peckham, just next to East Dulwich. We are both born and bred Londoners.

For work (and passion) I write content aimed at helping musicians and artists carve their own way in the ever-evolving music landscape.

As it happens, I recently interviewed Hive music legend @ravenmus1c, which I’ll share in a subsequent post.


Who invited me

My good friend and uber-talented musician @cherilyn invited me here. It was Cheri who also introduced me to RAVEN. Thanks Cheri!

Cheri is working on her debut album as we speak. So definitely follow her @cherilyn, especially if you’re into Blues/Rock!

Fun fact

I once did a silent meditation (Vipassana) in Goa, India for 10 days straight. As you can imagine, it was equally challenging and rewarding. Happy to answer any questions about that btw!

At one point, I lost count of the days, and when I figured it out, I was one day further from the end than I thought I was. It was horrifying!


The cushion I sat on for 10 days

My work

As mentioned, I write a lot. I’ve written for Pirate Studios, The Academy of Contemporary Music, Hypebot, Indie On The Move, and for my own platform Unlock Your Sound.

I write about the music business, production, and marketing. And make online courses on Udemy on the same subjects.

On an individual level, I work with artists to help them build their own platforms and connect with their fans directly.

My hobbies

When I’m not at my desk, I like to spend time with friends and family, usually at pubs. Or, when the weather is nice, at one of the UK’s many beaches. Some of my favs are Brighton, Hove, Whitstable, and Camber Sands.

I’m an avid Starcraft-ter. I’m still a bit of a n00b even after playing for a few years. I think I’m Silver league at the moment? It would be cool to connect with other Terrans here! Not you, Protoss!

I’m looking forward to connecting with you all and learning more about all of you.

Till next time…
