My Introduction and a start of emotive/abstract photography blog.


Follow my progression as an amateur photographer attempting to capture the essence of life.



What is life, if not a string of moments? Ecstatic, livid, silly, painful moments. At the end of the day, we remember not the perfect mundane times, we remember the moments that make us burst in laughter, the moments that make our heart tear itself apart. We mold these moments together to look back at the times we loved and hated. These are the moments that define who we are. These are the moments that I strive to capture with my camera. These are the moments I would like to share and give you a chance to experience vicariously.



Since we are defined by our moments, I would like to introduce myself with a few moments that I feel like will give you a good idea of who I am. A tinkering five-year-old taking apart everything that find its way to his hands. After school, beat up and crying nine-year-old, standing in front of his father as his father explains the importance of self-worth and standing up for yourself. A busy airport, young twelve-year-old boy squeezing his mother’s hand as he nervously walks out of an airplane into a country he will learn to love and call home. New Year’s Eve, a sixteen-year-old teen holding a cute girl’s hand while running up to a building’s rooftop, to watch fireworks light up Manhattan’s skyline. On a sunny day, a twenty-something-year-old excitedly packing his car to move to the other side of United States on a whim. A tear runs down mid-twenties man’s face, he is jogging down the street, away from a house where his love is packing her stuff. A young man in a flying-squirrel onesie is sitting on a porch smoking a cigarette, watching sunset painting the sky blood red, wondering what does the future holds for him.


Thank you

Now that you know me as well as any of my friends, I would like to say it is nice to meet you too. Even though we might never meet in person, if you reach out I will look over how you define yourself with the material you share here with us steemers.




Please upvote and follow if you would like to see more of my photography, philosophy, and random silly stuff.

p.s. If you would like any of my full size images feel free to PM me.

Insta @canislatrans696

#photography #emotivephotography #colourfulphotography #intoduceyourself #portraits #abstract #happy

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