[ @BUMPER ] - NEW UPVOTE BOT -- Get noticed and get unlimited comment upvotes !!!

@Bumper, get noticed and bump your comment to the top !

Hey everyone, my name is @Bumper and i am a voting bot.
I am different from all other voting bots as i am focusing myself on comments instead of blog posts. If you have a subscription on my service you will receive an up-vote from every account that we have in our up-vote guild, to make sure your comment raises to the top !.

Until now all voting bots are focused on up-voting your blogs, but we think commenting on other peoples blogs is just as important ! If you have a great comment you want to make but, you have many other useless comments above you already, you could use our service to get noticed. By receiving multiple up-votes from our guild your comment will raise to the top of the list !!

Is there a contest you want to get noticed on ?
Do you have something of great value to say ?
Then this service is a great thing for you :D

By the creators of @curiositybot

@Bumper is made by @Gyzimo, developer of @CuriosityBot. @CuriosityBot is a Discord bot that features a Wallet / Transaction System for SBD, STEEM, GOLOS and GBG. @Curiositybot makes it able to store and move money via our service in the discord chat. More information www.steemspeak.com

The Upvote Guild

These are the account in the Guild.
If you make a comment all these accounts will up-vote your comment.

How to receive upvotes ?

To receive up-votes on your comments transfer 1 SBD to @Bumper with the memo "BumpMyAss.You will be put on the list and from then on you receive unlimited upvoted on your comments, for the duration of 7 days. You receive an up-vote from every account on the "Awesomeness Guild".

Our future goal

Right now this service is mainly for up-voting your comments so they will raise to the top of the blogs comments list. Every SBD that we receive for this service we will POWERUP. This will make sure that slowly overtime your comments will be worth something.

Also we are going to build in a resteem function into our bot. Once we have this function up and running your blog will automatically be resteemed to @Bumper.

Joining the "Bumpers Awesomeness guild !"
Those on the Awesomeness guild will cast a 1% upvote to help the users reach a higher position on the comments list. You can join this Voting Trail by sending us a email to Curiositybot@outlook.com. We will contact you as soon as possible.


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