Hi Steemit!

Hi Steemit!


As a bitcoin advocate I'm glad to be participating in the Steemit platform.

Here is a little info about me...In 2011 when the cannabis industry was starting to take off, I started working on prototypes for an easier and faster method to make bubble hash.
new 120.jpg

The result was my Bubble Bowls product line.

With limited funds to start my business, and a new technique of using dry ice for extraction emerging within the industry, I simplified my design to bring my first product to market. The result was the Bubble Bowls Dri-Shake 160, introduced in September 2012.
1 stage.png
I later expanded the system with the Dri-Shake 2 Stage kit and the Dri-Shake 3 Stage kit, and eventually released my original vision of the Bubble Bowls Ultimate Kit.
DriShake 3 Stage Kit.png

I hit a wall in 2016.

As you can imagine, a lot goes into bringing a product like this to market. In 2016 I was selling through my inventory and paying down the hard money loan I took out to start the business. I was just beginning to hit my break-even point and needed capital to restock my inventory. With equity in my home I tried to borrow against it, but could not get a loan. I sold out of inventory in September of 2016. The next year would prove to be financially devastating to me as I could not service the demand I created for my product, and I had put my life as a musician on hold 5 years earlier to pursue this business. In September 2017 I sold my house and recapitalized the business.

I accept bitcoin

In 2012 I started to research bitcoin. In 2013 I began to offer bitcoin as a payment method, however, less than 1% of my sales have been made with BTC.

Back in stock

I received my latest round of inventory 2 months ago and I have resumed sales.


You can earn money with Bubble Bowls too

Please contact me if you are a content creator and would like to receive a referral code. Your viewers will receive a 10% discount from my website and you will earn 5% of the sale.

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