My First Introductory Post...

I'm very happy, my account has just got activated...

About me


My real name is Boniface, I think the name suits me though because i do have a baby face, and my goal here on steemit is to make a difference...

I am an enthusiastic person, a philanthropist, a person that everyone likes to be around.


I am into music and instruments, so basically, I'm an instrumentalist, and I also sing passionately... I've been Into music ever since I was small, and I still do it up till this moment, I'm like this versatile instrumentalist, it amaze people, and they hardly believe when I tell them I play,Keyboard/Piano, Saxophone, Trumpet etc.

Some people will say jack of all trade is a master of none

But I totally disagree with that, being versatile doesn't mean you don't have a specification, you're smart enough to learn other things...

Most people ask how I manage my skills, based on the different things I do in the music world, but I tell them it's God that empowers me, somehow I cope and now I'm here.

I'm really happy to be here on steemit... I got invited by @lovelens and I was encouraged by almost everyone in #radioxitymedia, because 90% of the workers there are steemians and they seem so dedicated, I was convinced to join.... It feels like home here

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