I am a Medical Marijuana Dispensary employee in Las Vegas

Hi, my name is Beatrice Hernandez. I recently landed a position in a Las Vegas medical marijuana dispensary. 

First some background: 

My degree is in film, I am a musician, a writer, and an identical twin. I have been a cannabis consumer for 12 years now.  I suppose I first tried cannabis with recreation in mind but I have discovered that its much more than this.

Marijuana has calmed me down. It has serenaded me. It has lifted me up and allowed me to enjoy myself. Smoking marijuana got me to stop and ask myself what I was doing with my life after dropping out of high school. It has provided me with hours of focus while studying in college. It has introduced me to some of the best people I know. It has ended wars between siblings. It has helped ease the pain of a broken heart. It has inadvertently provided medical benefits to my life while consuming for recreation. Recreation is medical. I have only recently discovered how important marijuana really is to me. I have medicated for pain here and there but mostly consuming keeps me from being a complete cunt to anyone that might cross paths with me. 

In July of 2014 my father was diagnosed with a glioblastoma tumor in the middle of his brain.

One day I saw him struggling with a headache caused by the tumor which he took opiates for. Almost two hours later he was still in pain. My sisters and I were able to obtain cannabis edibles for him and I saw half a cookie relieve his pain within 30 minutes. Unfortunately the woman my father married after my mother was ill-informed and refused to accept that cannabis could possibly help. She led him to believe that he would become a stereotypical stoner and he got nervous and stopped using cannabis. Cinderella ain't got shit on evil step mothers, but that is a whole other story.

His decline was quick and exactly 8 months after his diagnosis my father died.

My father was my hero. He was the greatest man who ever lived. They say time heals all wounds but it only pulls me further away from the last moment I shared with my father. I breathed him in as deeply as I could. I was left unsatisfied with the scent of fresh laundry.

During this time I quit my job as an in house video production specialist for a company I didn't give a damn about. The pay was good and I even got a nice little bonus at the end of the year but I was miserable. Fuck having money and hating your life. I'd rather be poor and enjoy how I spend my time.

Six months after losing my father, another close family member of mine was diagnosed with cervical cancer. Her tumor was removed and she survived 6 Months of chemotherapy with the aid of medical marijuana. At times she felt weak but she was able to maintain a healthy weight. She had a secret weapon to fix her nausea and to help her appetite. She was able to combat all the garbage side effects that come with chemotherapy. Cannabis was key in helping her on her road to recover. I'm filled with delight to report she is doing great now.

Through this, I realized my life would be more satisfying if I were to do my part in making the world a better place. This will be through working in an industry I believe in, an industry promoting "the miracle drug".

After 5 months of applying for medical marijuana jobs I was lucky to end up at Blüm.

Today is my first day of work. 

I'm learning we have to be diligent and patient because Nevada state regulation protocol is changing everyday and even the veterans in the industry are still figuring out how its all going to work. Although we were told it doesn't happen anymore, other new hires and myself were given information on what to do in case of a DEA raid during training. It's crazy to know what I'm doing for work is illegal on a federal level and I could potentially be arrested. However, things are changing. The state of Nevada will be voting on recreational legalization in November and I am fairly confident it will pass. Nationally, attitudes are changing towards marijuana, and this industry is only beginning to flourish. 

I love where I am so far and I'm excited to see how this job intertwines with the video project I'm working on with my twin sister, Twin Tokes, which would not exist without the inspiring post-fight-joints we share. 

Follow me on my fantastic voyage into the cannabis industry as the state of Nevada approaches the vote on recreational use this November. 

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