Introduce my self

Introduce my name @baru52 Usually, friends call me Baru I was born in Aceh province the Aceh State of Indonesia. I work college and help my parents


I was born

aceh north aceh province Indonesia State 30-12-1997


I have been learning from what little I have to learn, I am always interested in learning things that are a bit of a challenge.


although I am busy with various activities I always try to discipline because the discipline is the source of success. Why is that? Because of that success is the struggle to go to success.
so how do I manage my time?
so I think the problem of that time is always there depends on whether or not we want to do it.


embrace new friends.

wherever I go I always try to know a lot of friends, I never make him a child.


independent life

my own college tuition costs from the results of my hard work
on the sidelines of my college work, I always try to have a lot of time for studying my course but I was hampered by the economy, I always hope to have a crossbreed own.
because I do not want my life is set by others about making money.


my hobby


I really like travel, why is that? Because with the travel we can make my mind rilexs by looking at the beautiful scenery. In this case more like traveling to the mountain, because with our traveling we can see how nature teaches us how to make friends with fellow creatures of life and respect each other


reading in my opinion is an activity to broaden the horizons and by reading we can also know many things that may not teach in the place of education. In fact, I have dreamed of being a great writer and being a great teacher. I am my noble pali ideals, because we can embrace those who have lost their souls to learn, and I want to embrace them to love reading. Because I am convinced that it is that we teach now that our successor.


about steemit,

I do not know much about this steemit because in my area not many people know about this steemit. For my development in this steemit I need the support of all steemit friends who have more know mengaahui, because it is very difficult we develop without the help of friends.

Best Regards @baru52

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