I’m an Addict – Confessions Of A Supplementary Income Junkie + My Steemit Introduction

The moment I heard about Steemit, was the moment I knew I was back on the supplementary income train! I’ve been an opportunity junkie from a very young age, I started by trying to sell stuff to my friends at school, operating my own little businesses. This habit then overflowed into my adult life!

A couple of photos of my life to get us started - then back to my confessions. First, me on a holiday in England!

Second my crazy dog name Muppet! :)

Back to my confessions! I’ve tried everything online that you possibly can…

I have done it all…I’ve made $ on the following platforms.

  • Craigslist
  • Ebay
  • Etsy
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • My own sites
  • Society 6
  • Dawanda
  • Big Cartel
  • Cafepress – you name any sales platform I have sold on it!

I’ve sold t-shirts/data entry services/I’ve been the middle man/I’ve sold watches/e-books/ flipped websites etc. It really is endless.

Some with great success! Enough not to work full time anymore, only taking the occasional contract, but I have also failed tremendously along the way! A right of passage for anyone who enters the world of entrepreneurship But, I’ve never told my story.

This seems to be what Steemit is all about!

I’m going to kick us off with some of my top tips about finding the right idea and hopefully this will give you a great indication of the types of posts I want to share with you.

Copy Cat Approach and Pivot

One of the greatest approaches when starting an online store or trying to make a dollar, is the copy cat approach! There are formulas to success and all you have to do is base your next online venture on one that is successful and pivot the idea to a different niche. It is that simple. May seem basic but really this works time and time again. Originality is overrated.

Niche, Niche, Niche

Pick a niche and go after it hard! When I talk Niche, I’m not talking something as broad as crochet. I’m talking something way more specific like crochet Pokemon beanies! Something that is popular at the moment and something that has a dedicated fan base is always a winning combination.

Jump the trend

Pokemon Go is a prime example. It’s white hot right now, beyond hot! Look for opportunities to exploit this trend. But again, keep it niche and you will be on to a winner.

No capital (Minimum Investment Ideas)

Chase no capital ideas. You don’t need to spend any money on stock/investing in graphics. You can launch a business with no stock, no costs! Literally! No investment. Think about this, you start an Ebay store, you find a drop shipper, you use an online logo generator and suddenly you have yourself an online business. Anyone can do this and can do it in a matter of less than an hour.

Don’t be precious about ideas. These a billion of them.

Get a proof of concept as quickly as possible. If you have zero traction, drop the idea and move on to the next, don’t hold on to ideas thinking they will suddenly work. You will get proof of concept pretty quickly. Know when to pull the plug, if it’s not working. Stop flogging a dead horse so to speak.

If you think it’s a good idea – chase it. Don’t seek validation

People say ask others about your idea. Here is the canned response you will get “I don’t think it will work” It happens all the time. Never ever bother with trying to gain validation from others just give it a go, you will find out if it works or if it doesn’t work soon enough.

It’s better to try and fail than not to try at all

Every time you fail, you learn something so make the most of the opportunity o fail. And fail wonderfully! It’s a blessing! Just keep the momentum going into the next one.

Out of all the businesses I’ve done I can’t think of a better way to get paid than to share with you all the wisdom I have learnt along the way – what was successful what worked and what didn’t work.

The net is always evolving and as I dig deeper into this cryptocurrency business, I start to see a whole new world opening up.

So, I hope to become a student of all things Cryptocurrency, all things Steemit and inturn offer my services as a teacher of the online hustle!

Hello to you all and I can’t wait to read more of your posts & also share wisdom with you along the way! A couple of hellos to some of the Steem-peeps I’ve read over the past couple of weeks – keep up the great work @dan @steemed @smooth @ned @benjiberigan @krystox @dantheman @cchaylin @infovore @allasyummyfood @clains - hope you are all....

#introduceyourself #steemit #steem #bitcoin

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