Introduction myself to the steemian

Hi everything how are you today? Of course you're fine is not it? I just joined social media steemit and let me introduce myself first to all of you. Introduce my name Riva Atul Mahmuda I was born in Lhokseumawe, June 05, 1989. I live in Aceh, Indonesia. I have a family and already have boys and girls. I have a shopping hobby. I am a midwife who works at the House of the Package. In addition to shopping I also like to dance and also sing. I like to share in social media this steemit. I was introduced by @ sanyjaya a few days ago after that I immediately register it. thank you @ sanyjaya who has introduced steemit to me This is my son who is.

Thank you for visiting my post and I thank you. Success continues to make the community plant Indonesia.

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