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What Am I Doing Here?

Hi there,

What am I doing here?

For better or for worse, I always try to keep myself in a positive mood because it helps me to face different type of situations. Am I numb? I don’t know because sometimes it gets me mad. It’s a very tough work to do. Apparently, the best way to live is not classify beforehand a situation as a good or as a bad one until the situation is over, just to avoid expectations.

How can I do that? I take any positive aspect from any situation or person. For instance, a guy introduced to me because I didn’t know anything about it yet. He talked about his experience here and how he got passionate about writing every single day during the last 2 years. He talked about whales, crypto-coins, the votes, and so on. It sounded exciting. Well, I guess this platform is the positive thing I’ve took from him although I don’t know if the relationship with the guy has already finished yet or not but at least, the one with Steemit has just began. Hurray!

Why am I here?
Basically, I want to improve my writing skills because I’d like to write content in English. A tough nut to crack? Maybe. Who knows.

Do you thing being passionate about something is enough to achieve a goal? Or do you need previous skills to get what you want?

I let you know in my next post about what I’m talking about.

