Hello Steemians, another redfish is born

Hello Steemit, I am Sofowora Michael. I am a 200 level student of Microbiology at Oduduwa University Ipetumodu, Osun State, Nigeria. I am the second child and only son of my parents three children (That does not make me a spoilt brat though).

I was brought up in Lagos, Nigeria where I acquired my primary and secondary school education.

I am a member of Oduduwa University Drama Troupe (OUDT), which is my school's official drama troupe. I joined the troupe after watching the play that was staged for last year's convocation ceremonies which was titled "The wives". I have to admit that I was extremely impressed with the play, hence my decision to join the troupe.

I was invited to Steemit by @illuminatus who is my friend and a former executive of OUDT. He introduced me to Steemit in July but I did not take him seriously.

While introducing Steemit to me, @illuminatus explained it to me as "Facebook on Steroids". He told me about a platform where one could be paid for blogging. About a year ago, Nigeria was overrun with several ponzi schemes which paid people initially but later put several more to tears. This made me scared of anything about making money online.

I have seen other people who were introduced to Steemit by @illuminatus and they have all attested to the beauty of the platform. I attended the Steemit In Nigeria event which held at Obafemi Awolowo University and I was further enlightened about Steemit. I tried opening an account but I did not receive an email to approve my account. I complained about this to @illuminatus and he took my email, telling me that there was a topshot here on Steemit who would aid me with my registration. That topshot is @demotruk and I am quite grateful to him for the help he has rendered to me.

I am finally here on Steemit and I hope that I can impact the community positively, make friends and probably also make some money like my forebears.

Once again, I am Sofowora Michael and I am happy to be on Steemit.

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