Because you asked for!!: **Second certification + Drawings from my sketchbook!!**

Hi Steemit Family!

How are you doing!!

I'm doing great!! And in big part is thanks to you! Because all your support and beautiful words and kindness! So thank you for that =)

It been happening lately that many of you were wondering and asking me if it's me, for real me, but for real real!

Well yeah... It's easy to say it to me because I see my face in the mirror every day, but not for you so I get your point and I want to help you with that!

Yeah! This is me, very tired holding my last sketchbook (a very pretty one). And yes, that s my calligraphy. I know... I know... pretty much like LotR.

Sorry for the ugly orc, I have a little time before going back to keep working on some freelances (that unfortunately I cannot show you YET! But SOON!). And by the way @orcish gave me a beautiful idea for a next post: Anatomy for orcs! (Obviously it's not applying here huehuehue).

And a little zoom into the img so you can try to read my ugly words handwrite and see into my (empty) cup of coffee.

I love coffee

And since we are here already I will show you few drawings from my sketchbook that... I m not really proud, but well, I promise I'm getting better in near future!

And now... More drawings!!


Yes, anatomy is one of the most important things for drawing, painting or sculpting. So you should always practice a little bit, every day! Every hour... EVERY MINUTEEEEE!!
And jokes aside, the rhythm, dynamic and gesture in your lines and your shapes are one of the most important things ever.

I bet you are gonna like the following...


Yess! Even if they are only heads dragons are amazing!! (Just in case you didn't note it yet... I LOVE DRAGONS!)

And few more a little bit more rendered!

I hope you enjoyed this as I did while writing! Drawing is not one of the most, but THE MOST important pillar of any other artistic visual discipline (even architecture). So if you are an artist, you should never replace your sketchbook and pen-pencil with an I-Pad pro... but damn I want to have one! I'd paint even in the bus with that!

Talking about buses... something I didn't say before is that due my lack of time (really... I have three works and no weekends mostly), I can only draw at bus (because I have 1,5 hours to go from my house to work and another 1,5 hours to come back). And yes, lineart there just... explodes. So I hope soon I will have more time for practices and of course if you want I will share it with you!

Thanks for being just as you are!! And thanks for your support!

I want to make a special mention to @andrew0 that helped me since the beginning, and probably tomorrow we will make a post together... a very clever one by the way!! So you should definitively go to see his blog! It's amazing!!

Have a beautiful night and don't drink that much coffee! Better give it to me! =)

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