So, Who the Heck Am I?

So, who am I? I'm not sure of the answer to that myself.

What comes to mind:

  • Canadian woman
  • Writer
  • Artist
  • Mother
  • Animal rights activist
  • Vegan
  • Mental health informer
  • Lover of trees
  • Taker of photos... Wanna be photographer
  • Intrigued by paranormal
  • Seeker of enlightenment
  • Intelligent yet, quite the dimwit at times


I went to school for Advertising and Marketing Communications, which I love. I enjoy researching random topics- it's not uncommon that I find myself panicking when I hear the birds chirping at 4:30am and I have a bazillion tabs open; the first tab, "how to clean a Keirg" and, the last tab, "weird experiments in history".

I'm a writer. Perhaps that's why I stay up late. Perhaps I write because I stay up late. I've always had sleeping issues; before I was a year old my Mother took me to the Doctor to address why I slept in the day and awake at night. I guess that's just how some people are wired; backwards.

I'm a Mother of a special needs child who is a tough cookie. My Daughter experiences FASD, Anxiety, ADHD, and Oppositional Defiance Disorder. I'm worn out before the days begin and I don't help the matter with insomnia.

I've personally been diagnosed insomniac, anxious, borderline personality, depressed, and PTSD. I should be diagnosed OCD but, I'm sick of medical appointments. I get it already, I'm broken.

In the summer months my Daughter and I essentially live outside. That said, I've noticed outdoor activities have decreased as both our mental and physical health have decreased. We love to hike, parks and your standard outdoor life wanderings. I don't understand why everyone drives five minutes to the corner store when it's nice out- and that's coming from someone as fucked up as myself.

I swear a lot and care not what others think about that. They're words- get the fk over it. I love musik, art, dancing, and am disgustingly addicted to Netflix.

I guess you could say I'm a over consumer of things that I love.

Happy to meet you. Can't wait to connect. 💕

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