My first post as an introduction

What to write to interest you all? A funny story...
One day I was driving along in my car down a little street in a leafy suburb, my sister in shotgun. We came up and over a hill and round a corner there was a boy on a bike in the middle of the road, I slowed down dramatically (ie, slammed on the brakes) to avoid missing him as rode off onto the side. As we passed him slowly he yelled something in through the window. That cheeky little bugger! Not only was he almost run over he was being cheeky about it yelling at me while he was at it!? No. This was not going to fly! He really scared me and should be taught better! I looked in the rearview mirror and he was already back out on the road! I was by now about about 50 metres away. I stopped the car completely. Looked back and saw him stop dead. Like a rabbit in headlights he just stood there, straddling the BMX ad waiting for my next move. Still with the brakes on and not moving at all, I put the car into reverse. It was a threat. As he saw those reverse lights come on he dropped the bike to the side of the road and ran! Just sprinted away, down a driveway and out of sight. That scared the little shit! He wasn't going to be playing on the road at the bottom of a blind hill anymore! My job was done. I was very pleased with myself; "that'll teach him!" "How dare he!" "And what was with yelling in the window as we drove past!?" I was justifying to myself as the adrenaline wore off "...What...What did he say anyway?" I asked my sister who had stayed perfectly silent through this entire event. "Umm..." she started, a little frightened to tell me... "He said 'Sorry'".

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