Introducing myself

Hello, all of you lovely Steemers :)

Being adventurous young woman as I am, I always like to try new things out. That is how, by exploration, I have stumbled down on Steemit. I have found it very interesting and new way of connecting with you, peers!

I hope that together we can make this Steemit experience uplifting and engaging, as well as we can all learn something new from each other.
To begin with introducing myself, I would like to highlight few things I am passionate about.


I am coffee lover from earliest stage of my life, as I started to stealing my grandma's cup of coffee at age of 5.
That probably explain why I am energetic morning person.


I enjoy cooking home made "comforting" food in healthier alternatives.
One of my biggest passion is nutrition, so I will be covering themes such as food, cooking and healthy meals that tastes just as delicious as their not so healthy original versions.


I read at least one book per week, and I truly enjoy topics on health, nutrition and science. Currently, I am fascinated with topic how your nutrition impact on your gut health (I know, not really fancy). As well as how your nutrition affect ours biggest organ - skin.

As soon as I see dogs on the streets, I always make sure to stop by and pet them. Dogs bring me joy :)


My ideal day would be waking early spring morning, heading near the beach for brunch and big cup of cappuccino. Then, we would go on a day trip somewhere in the nature. It doesn't matter is it the seaside or Mounties. We would drive with our windows down, while music is blasting from the car. Camping and having a picnic in nature is one of my favorites things to do.


What would your perfect day look a like? Or better yet, what was the greatest day of your life?


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