Hello, I am a little shy girl - my friends say that i'm pretty :-) - I like of new technologies, business, travel and the good life. To this day, I have seen and celebrated 26 times the fascinating journey of this rebellious "blue" planet, around a golden and immense mass of hydrogen-helium that gives us warmth and life every morning.

One of the passions that I want to perfect is writing, and in my little free time I am learning to write better. On the other hand, I understand and I am immersed in the world's business that the XXI century brings, with the growing mass of communication, allowing us not to remain stationed somewhere to produce, instead in this way fully enjoy life, in the perfect time and infinite space that we want. I'm dedicated to that, it's my dream. I'm a digital nomad.

A week ago I went through here, and I was attracted by the possibilities in this new social network brings - by calling it in some way. I hope you join me in my POST. I will be publishing internet small business opportunities and I am exploring new ones

I'm an ORACLE Database Administrator and enjoy a lot my work

I'm very open to receive any kind of suggestions. They are welcome with affection.

Thank you very much for reading.


Images taken from internet.

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