A traveler, A movie lover

Hello World.

I'm Joe. As the opening implies, I'm a software engineer. But I prefer myself a traveler, a photographer and a movie lover. And that will be the focus of my future posts.

How far have I traveled? 3 continents, around 40 countries, and 80,000+ pictures as well. This has been my dream since my 10 yo birthday gift - a world atlas book. Nature and culture documentaries were my favorites on TV and I strongly believed that the making such documentaries were the best job in the world ever. Unfortunately I never joined National Geography so I could only travel by myself to fulfill my dream.

How deep my love to movie is? 1800+ watched, 800+ reviews written. (Most of them are in Chinese, I might translate some in future)

This is me.

That is also me.


Please give me some welcome. Love u ;)

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