My Introduction to HIVE

Greetings everybody! I'm incredibly happy to finally be here.

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My name is Aimin Etwal, and I'm a singer-songwriter. I was born in Mexico and grew up between England and Mozambique, and Antigua Guatemala is the place I currently call home.

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My main instrument is the #guitar, although I also play cajón in some of my songs.

This is a song I wrote in spanish called La Flor del millón de pétalos (The flower with a million petals)

I've been very fortunate to have crossed paths with people from all over the world in my little town. Many of whom I've also shared the stage with, been influenced by, and have recorded in the studio with too.

I don't think of my music as a specific genre, but it does have elements of afro, latin, folk. So for now I refer to it as "music from the world".

I'm currently in the process of recording my first studio album called The Green Album, which contains songs in both English and Spanish that have been inspired by nature, love, and the incredible power we hold within as human beings; as children of the universe.

I'm recording at @recording-box in Guatemala City. You may have seen some of the songs I'm working on like I'm going to the world:

This was performed live with two of my favorite musicians Max Al Ra on Cajón and Adolfo Saavedra on bass.

In the process of recording, my friends @alex-rourke and @pamarias have introduced me to this crazy world of blockchain, which I must confess, I don't entirely understand, but will try my best to learn.

My first step in this journey starts today, with my becoming a member of this incredible family from all corners of the world. Today I joined HIVE.

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