
My name is Adebowale Temitayo. I was born on the 27th of November in 1990, which means I am 27years old now. I have got 4 siblings; en elder sister and 3 younger brothers. Then I have got my mom and dad too. I'm mostly close with my sister, as she's the only sister I have. However, I do love my brothers too and make the most of it whenever I am with them.
I love going to school and I have always taken my studies very seriously. I have never said to anyone in my life, that 'I hate studies'. Many people find me as a cool headed man. I have got big dreams, when it comes to studies. Since I was 6 years old, I decided to be a doctor. So that is my goal and I always try to aim to do my best at school, so hopefully my hard work will pay off in the end. I don't really know why I decided to be a doctor. I just love hospitals. Although I do feel very sorry whenever I see the poor patients in there, but just the fact that we have got hospitals to cure people is a great thing. Caring for people has always been my desire. Whenever I see someone, who I think need careness or help, I am always willing to help them.
Some interests I have got are; reading books, wacthing movies, cooking and praying. I love to read books, because books can always be true friends. They never demand neither do they complain. This is the way I look upon books. Mostly I read novels. Currently I am reading a novel called "The lion and the jewel".
Moving on to favourite movies; Titanic, Romeo & Juliet, Crash, Twilight. Basically the list can go on and on. I must be up to date with the latest movies.
Cooking has been a huge interest of mine. My mom's a great cook- especially in the African cooking. I think I have got it from her. From my point of view, having learned how to cook, makes a persons life much easier.
Then last but not least I love praying. I pray as much as I can. Being a Christian, just doesn't go together, so that is why I pray. I also feel that whenever I pray, it helps me getting forward and achieving more and more. image

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