Hi Steemit, @adamlqmn at your service @introduceyourself

Greetings guys, I am Adam from Malaysia and I'm 21 this year.

(It seems like I often sleep in my pictures lol)

I am a student majoring in Literature and Education. I am new to this domain and will mainly use this domain to post about poetry and creative writing because this website somehow inspires me to pursue my dream in becoming a writer/poet.

Hmm, what do I do for living? Currently finishing my final year of my degree and looking forward to be a teacher after I finish my studies (though I need to learn on how to develop inner peace though because I lack motivation sometimes, aha!)


Oh and I'm into geek stuffs; games, IT things, series, you name it. I do some sports and I spend most of living remains to play games lol. If you have a common interest, hit me up.

I like to curate and learn new things as well as venturing into deep and intellectual matters because I consider this as a process in which help me to learn. Please leave a constructive comment or feedback. Thank you for reading my introduction post and I hope you guys have a great day!

(I swear I'm not mad guys, it's just some poor lighting I guess)

do follow @adamlqmn and I'll follow you back

Kalau Malaysian, jangan malu-malu ye untuk tegur :p

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