Breaking the Silence to Say Hello

It's been a long while since I wrote here. In fact, it's been a long while since I've written. Sometimes silence falls on us, even when we are writers who thrive by writing. It can be a pain--a wall--but it can also be a friend.

Perhaps more frequently than any other advice I receive is "practice silence." I am encouraged to meditate, turn everything off, sit alone or spend 24 hours without screens and words. To keep my lips still for a prescribed period in order to recharge. It works very well for me.


I practice stillness in many ways. Recent years found me crocheting toys and clothes for my children. In the years before those, I spent 72 hours stretches speaking only with simple hand gestures and eyebrow raises. I found my creativity increased along with clarity. Silence offers time to think.

While I have written some on my site and for various publications during my absence here, 2017 has been about as loud as snowfall. I feel refreshed from some time away from the page. I am eager to challenge myself on the page again. I hope to find some challenges here to participate in, perhaps the community I originally came here for. I think I have a better idea of this site than my first meanderings. I hope, this time around, to make a few friends and writerly connections. It seems like there are some good people here. There are definitely INTERESTING people here.

Hmm. Since it's been so long, maybe I should do a new introduction?


Don't know if this will be automagically resized or if it's something I'll have to learn. I'm not the most tech-savvy, but I try. I'll have to do one of those Steemit hostage selfies next time.

Hi! I'm Shawna. I live in Indiana where I write, coach, edit and instruct. I have been published lots of places, which is pretty great. Some of them are listed here. I have three kids and a dog. I had two dogs, but we just had to part with one because my home is high anxiety and we weren't the right people for the dog. I am married. I live in a house that's smack in between country and city.

What else?

I love weight lifting. I follow a ketogenic diet to manage ADHD. I'd love to connect with others here who share these interests. I read constantly, mostly fantasy novels. I want to write a fantasy novel one day. And I teach online as well as in person. Here I am on the Elizabeth Ayres Center for Creative Writing website where you can sign up for Writing through Trauma to Truth, one of my classes!

There is a lot to me. I believe in truth, compassion and complication. I don't believe in religion (although I respect others' right to choose). And a wish I have is to travel and teach writing on location in different countries.

One major accomplishment of mine is the creation of #LinkYourLife, a community for artists and survivors that is primarily hosted on Facebook. What's special about #LinkYourLife is that it brings all sorts together in support of one another. I couldn't be prouder of what I've accomplished in creating and growing LYL over the last two years. The community is amazing. I have grand plans to turn it into a non-profit, and maybe that's something we can connect on here, too.

Well, that's a rambly mess about me. Ha! Follow some of the links for specifics.

For the next few days, I think I'll practice a bit more silence and just upvote, resteem and comment around Steemit. Comment to say hi so I know to look for you specifically. Happy steeming!

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