The first

This article "The Mentality Of A Fresh Nigerian Graduate" depends on how a portion of our graduates in Nigeria considers. Some of them trust that the administration ought to do everything for them.

Some of them accept once they graduate they will land a position in an oil organization, yet they are woken up to the stun reality of joblessness and no existent employments.

In this article the author proffer answers for the greater part of the issues and difficulties these crisp graduates confront.

Presently, we should get talking.. You have to get your pen and read this as it will most likely change your Life.

Nigeria is a nation loaded with numerous issues anticipating arrangements, however her Citizens are oblivious in regards to recognize answers for these issues. A portion of these issues have been there for a very long time, while some are new, asking for arrangements.

I once knew about a Lebanese man who came to Nigeria, when he perceived how the nation was and the mentality of her Citizens, he proclaimed that "there is such a great amount of cash in the city however the masses couldn't see them".


What he attempted to state is that there are such huge numbers of issues which on the off chance that anybody could discover answers for, he would grin to the keep money with a fat record.

No way to the Nigerian instructive framework that continues putting the attitude of Job searchers in its understudies 鈽光樄

Following four or five years, a graduate can't gloat of any aptitudes which they can use to make an occupation, rather what the frameworks thought is as yet training them is the manner by which to be work searchers.

I once read a book titled "Nitwits WITH B.S.C" by Collins Oscar, in the book the author caught a specific graduate griping of such a large number of things that aren't right in this nation, how the framework slaughters advancements et cetera.

The author disclosed to him that that is the reason he is a graduate, the nation expected him and the rest to give answers for these bunches of issues in this nation.

A portion of these graduates have been informed that after graduation they will likely land a position in an oil organization, with fat compensations, stipends, official autos et cetera, just to graduate and understood that they were all falsehoods.

They mourn about the legislature not giving occupations to its abounding adolescents who are graduates.


Before I continue with this, let me disclose to you a short anecdote about a companion of mine (True biography) 鈽光樄

A companion of mine moved on from a Nigerian University (Studied Computer Science and Graduated with 4.5 CGPA) and he chose to movement to the US to work and gain some cash however on arriving, the story changed.

He couldn't land a decent position since he was prepared with FOTRAN 2001 form in the year 2015 (Very exceptionally Outdated) when the Company he was looking for Employment at is now utilizing an extremely late Computer Program (Version 2016 in the year 2016).

My Friends was encouraged to begin tutoring once more (from the earliest starting point) in the US and thought about what, in under only 2 months, he can deal with all that he was instructed in Nigeria for a long time.

The issue is that our Education framework isn't enhancing and the Lecturers does not see a need to enhance what they know along these lines discharging garbage graduates into the framework who can't fit into the System with their insight.


Most street side technician are superior to Universities Lecturers and Professors.

A portion of these graduates considered building in the school, following quite a while of remain in school, they couldn't develop a conventional machine to pound melon 馃槩馃槩

suppose one of them build a pounding machine, he will utilize thousands If not millions and free himself and his age from destitution.

A portion of these graduates are so glad to take in the practicals of their picked vocation.

For Example

A graduate who contemplated mechanical designing in school should lower himself and take in the practicals and hands-on-preparing from the roadside repairman. It will help!

Yet, the greater part of them see the roadside workman as never do well, yet they overlooked that he has numerous long periods of handy experience much more than their Lecturers and Professors in the Universities and for them to get to this information, they need to lower themselves.

Without a doubt a large portion of these graduates will never go up against low paying occupations, as opposed to discover something doing, they approach bolstering fat on their family and companions.

We know the nation is hard yet we never again need individuals that everything they do is cry and gripe about what isn't right and what isn't working. We require individuals who will change the accounts of this nation.

Nigerian graduates should begin to change their mindset by putting resources into their brains, they need to get rid of representative attitude that they were prepped with.

Adapting never stops so they should continue adapting new aptitudes, go for that preparation, rather than going to clubs and purchasing costly things they could scarcely manage the cost of just to flaunt.

They ought to likewise discover something advantageous doing while at the same time anticipating their fantasy employments, they should lower themselves and volunteer. I let you know there are a considerable measure of things you will learn by Volunteering for associations, people.


Innovation is likewise another stage that offers an extensive variety of chances for our abounding jobless adolescents.

There are occupations that never existed six or ten years, for example, Digital Marketer, Social Media Manager and so forth

Innovation makes roads for individuals to go up against another profession. They ought to likewise take in a fleeting aptitude to bring home the bacon for themselves. Brief time aptitudes, for example, Web outline, Graphic plan e.t.c

Go for a Training, Seminar or Workshop today, your life will never continue as before.


In conclusion their mindset ought to likewise change from representative to managers attitude. The surge of joblessness attacking our country is excessively for us to shorten.

We never again need graduates that will come and join the effectively soaked jobless young people. We require those that will make occupations, openings, venture for others.

They should begin that little business, from that point crafted by their hands will be honored. They ought to likewise not disdain the times of their little beginnings.

The End!

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