PopOrgy is finally on Steemit

Hello Everyone,

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Now that I have your attention, I hope I didn't insult you.

I’ve finally realized that I needed an actual introduction post. I learned about Steemit from my classmates in a class about social media. I’m currently a student studying broadcasting media and have no idea what I’ll do after I graduate next year (I hope).🤞🏼


My name is Albert & as you can see I'm slightly paranoid of my face being all over the internet. After taking a course on social media at the university level, I began to question why I had posted what I posted on other platforms before.

Facebook. I haven't really posted there in ages because as a friend, who passed away so young, told me once that it was truly selfish and pretentious to feel that your opinion is so unique and valuable (amongst the billions of people in this world) that you must comment on everything that catches your attention.

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I suppose that you learn to appreciate privacy, anonymity, and learn how technology can be used to suppress, harass, extort, intimidate, or even endanger the billions of lives of social media users. Especially, now that facial recognition software is being used and widely available.

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I hope I didn't scare you

I mean social media platforms also have benefits and that's why I'm trying this again after being suspended from Twitter


What fascinates me

Anything related to POP CULTURE catches my attention. I use to be very anti-mainstream culture like how hipsters are preceived to prefer, but I learned to appreciate pop culture after taking a class on the history of pop culture (yes, that university class actually exists at San Francisco State University).

I hope to enrich Steemit with different types of content mostly related to pop culture and art.

I have other hobbies and interests but I feel pop culture is highly underrepresented on this platform. I know it's kind of junk media but it really is a reflection of our current society. Here's a LINK to my first posting on pop art to give you an idea on what I want to cover.

Fun Fact about my blogging experience

I once wrote an extensive blog all about the sleazy over-the-top film Showgirls and it's revelance and contribution to our culture. 😂🤣


Thank you for your time.

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