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Introduce my self

Hi aku Luthfia Boililian lahir di Aceh, aku aktif sebagai blogger dan telah lulus di salah satu universitas swasta Jawa Barat jurusan ilmu komunikasi. Senang dengan dunia modeling, MC, traveling, anything yang buat aku bisa ekspresikan siapa aku, tentunya suka dengan kompetisi jadi sebagai kompetitor harus siap dengan segala rintangan selalu sportif. So, dengan hadir steemit sangat senang dapat ruang lagi untuk menulis banyak hal di akun ini sebagai kompetitor pengumpulan rupiah.
Kegiatan sekarang sedang menekuni sebagai ilustrator di sebuah perusahaan swasta di Jakarta, untuk semua stemian jangan lupa selalu berkarya, beri yang terbaik dan rutin dengan tulisan nya sesuai dengan hobi stemian.
Jangan lupa follow dan upvote postingan aku.

Terima kasih

Keep strong leadership on steemit.
We are grow
Hi I'm Luthfia Boililian was born in Aceh, I'm active as a blogger and has graduated in one of the private universities in West Java, majoring in communication studies. Happy with the world of modeling, MC, news, anything that made me able to express who I am, of course, like with the competition so as competitors should be prepared with all odds always sportsmanship. So, with the present steemit are very pleased to be able to space again to write a lot of things in this account as a competitor to the collection.
The activity is now being occupied as Illustrator in a private company in Jakarta, for all stemian do not forget to always work, give the best and his writing routine with accordance with hobby stemian.
Don't forget to follow and upvote the postings.

Thank you
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