1 Year on Steemit .. I must be holding a record for something? | Including a very late introduction of Kymaticus


Let's start with the birthday wishes!

Happy Steemit birthday to me, I found out it has been a year exactly since I've joined Steemit. Although I am not a real writer, and very busy working for a boss, that is actually quite draining most of the day, I do read posts daily on Steemit. At first I only read and resteemed my girlfriends posts (@anouk.nox) who is a very active Steemit member, but that has changed lately. I'm wondering if I do hold a record for not posting in one year? Even though I was not a real active member, recently I decided to not waste votes anymore, this means I am now a supportive member of the Steemit community too. Probably the next coming year you will read some posts from my hand.

Because I never made a proper introduction post here it is

As I said, I work a lot, and the job is quite stressful most of the times. I do love my job though, but I would like to try making some more time for things that I'm passionate about. Like Japanese and Chinese antiques or photography.. Those things I have developed a great interest for over the years, and I would like to make a nice post about some of my collected artworks soon. I am not creative myself, so don't expect me to post drawings or paintings, but I do have a creative mind when it comes to finding solutions if things are broken. I can repair about anything, so I guess I am kind of creative too.


I do have a good interest for the cryptoworld too

I developed that interest years ago actually, but due to financial circumstances, I always seemed to miss the boat. Although the situation is not there to invest in cryptocurrencies yet, I do hold an eye on the market. The past has taught me that I was right in several predictions the last years. Although I must admit I do not understand that much about Steemit and everything that comes along with it yet. I have to invest some time to figure out how things really work here..

Hopefully I will be back soon with my art post, I would like to be more active on this very promising platform.


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