I am Greta and I am a Videographer!

I noticed that some 'Introduce Myself' posts are usually copied from a person's website or any other medium they have a biography written for. I object to this! Steemit, firstly, is NOT a recruitment agency. And people here have different interests to the ones from Tinder. So how this post is going to be any different to them? Well, it will sound super bad, but this post is gonna be an honest one! As I have a feeling that this is not a place where people make fun of each other in a mean manner, I feel that I can talk about things which I care about without feeling pressured or isolated.


Hi, my name is Greta. I am a videographer, who lives and works in UK. I was born in Lithuania, went to music school, played piano and conducted a choir. I composed songs and sang them in national competitions (often lost). I loved to draw and to make beats. :-)

Once graduated, I moved to UK to study Music Technology. I graduated as the best student in the entire media department which I am quite proud of (is it ok to be proud of yourself nowadays?). Then, I got a job as a technician at the University and started my Masters degree. It sucked, so I quit. Now I am transferring into a different job at a digital media agency where I'm gonna be an editor, camera op and production assistant. I can't wait really, this is a big thing for me as again, all my life was dedicated to being good at doing music. Fingers crossed!

But this summary doesn't really say much about me, right? It gives some context about where I get money for food from, but what describes a person? Or what questions do I ask a person who I just have met? Let's make a top 5 questions list!

  1. What are your three favourite movies? Interstellar, 2001: A Space Oddysey, The Act of Killing, Fight Club, ExMachina.
  2. Any hobbies? Reading, remixing, gardening.
  3. What's your dream? To become the best camera operator and editor, afford the food I love and to be happy!:)
  4. Dream travel destination? Brazil.
  5. Favourite music genre? Surely Trip-Hop.

So I guess, I am a woman, who loves sci-fi and documentaries. I love series such as Making a Murderer as well (obsessed with detectives!). I enjoy literature, mostly novels, Sci-Fi please!!! I still do some music, but not 100% original stuff, remixes mostly. And because when I was little my grandma took me to the garden to pick some weeds, I got used to plants and now love to take care of them myself.

I am not sure if I am funny or entertaining, but I do have friends. :-) It probably means I am an OK person.

I hope that me being here is going to benefit Steemit community somehow. I am not even sure if anyone cares about videography and girls doing videos :-) (not sure what your thoughts are here!).
I love filming and I know I am not the best yet. There are many things which I would like to write about during my journey to the top and I hope you'll be with me when it happens!

All the best,


P.S. I am certain everybody has a different top questions list, so if you have better/more creative ideas, let me know, maybe it will help someone to go through an awkward silence with someone super attractive! :-)

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