Hi! I'm Jaro and this is my introductory verification post!

So, because I can't edit the previous introduction post with new information I'm creating a second one here.


I'm a photographer, enthusastic Go player, and a long time Linux user. I also play some computer games and alto+soprano recorder. I also have a self-assembled 3d-printer I dabble with every now and then. While I did graduate as an artesan learning mainly SolidWorks, I prefer to use FreeCAD for my creations.

I run a local Go club Saarto with about 10 more or less active players. We've been playing together for over 4 years now.

I am planning to advertise our club a bit so other interested players could join our games. We have also talked about expanding our reach to kids in the schools of our own children. The plan is to run a series of go club activities in their school, preferably create a club event of few weeks or months. We'll see how that idea works out, but it's still in planning stages.

Game of Go in our club
Game of Go in our club

I have two amazing, artistically talented sons, Leo and Miro, whom I love both very much. I try to be a good father, sometimes I succeed, sometimes I fail.

Leo and Miro
Leo is 10 years old, and Miro turns 6 next week.

Parenting is a tough job, but very rewarding. I might have to write about it every now and then. Both my boys know how to play Go and Chess, they also love other board games, Go not so much, I wonder why. They recently bought a PlayStation 3 with their weekly "earnings" though, so board games have experienced a slight inflation lately anyway.

That's me!
The thing is, I'm not very good with selfies.

I love cryptocurrencies, they are the future.

I have opinions, some may like them, some don't.

There are places you can find me on the Internet:
@AmbyR00 on Diaspora
@AmbyR00 on Twitter
AmbyR00 on DGS, OGS and Pandanet (IGS)
World is my Goban (Blog)
...and of course I have some empty Youtube channels, but maybe we'll get to them some other time.

It's getting very late so I'll finish my introductory post here. I'll be seeing you guys in the next posting!

Oh, and if you liked what you read and saw, please consider upvoting and/or subscribing! It'd really make my day! :)

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