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A Pie of Sweet and Bitter Almonds (And Other Oddities)

Greetings, Mere Mortals and Those Who Are Slightly More Than Mortal (but only on Thursdays)!

You’ve stumbled — either by chance, poor judgment, or sheer desperation — onto Comic Relief, the only place on Hive where reality is optional, laughter is mandatory, and logic was sent packing ages ago with a small suitcase and a map to nowhere.

Now, I could tell you who I am, but where’s the fun in that? Some say I’m a mysterious figure, born in a volcano and raised by a league of sarcastic wombats. Others claim I’m merely an internet bot gone rogue, fueled by bad puns and leftover pizza. The truth, however, is far more mundane — I’m actually a collective hallucination created by too much screen time and insufficient tea.

A Few Things You Absolutely Do Not Need to Know About Me:

  • I once won an award for Best Use of Invisible Ink in a short story competition. The judges are still trying to find the entry.
  • My hobbies include looking at things and thinking about stuff, both of which I excel at while pretending to be productive.
  • In a past life, I was probably someone very important, but in this one, I have settled for being mildly amusing, after being served a pie with sweet and bitter almonds.
  • I believe in free speech, as long as it costs nothing, offends no one, and is printed on ethically-sourced unicorn parchment.

What You’ll Find Here (besides bewilderment):

Expect the unexpected! But also, expect the expected, because let's be honest, predicting the unexpected gets exhausting. Here at Comic Relief, I’ll be serving you slices of satire, absurdity, and occasional sprinkles of whimsy — all designed to poke fun at the world until it tickles or files a restraining order. Whether I’m gently mocking modern society, proposing ridiculous solutions to non-existent problems, or conjuring up hypothetical people who deserve hypothetical awards, you’re in for a nonsensical ride.

Also, I don’t intend to post any pictures or photos unless they are really funny, provoking, or simply absurd. And speaking of which, I’m still looking for a photographer, designer, and nerd — preferably in the same package, and most importantly, pro-bono!

Who Should Read This Blog:

  • Anyone who enjoys existential humor and slapstick philosophy.
  • People who know that sarcasm is a sign of high intelligence — or, at the very least, a solid defense mechanism.
  • Those who believe that if you can’t laugh at life, you’re probably taking it too seriously (and are very likely out of biscuits).
  • Fans of Monty Python, Pratchett, and John Lennon. If you don’t know who they are, don’t worry — I’ve been told they don’t know who I am either.

Who Should NOT Read This Blog:

  • Anyone looking for coherent, rational arguments. (We checked, and we’re fresh out.)
  • People who think puns are the lowest form of humor. They are, but we’re embracing that.
  • Those who have filed lawsuits against comedians in the past — you’re only giving us more material.

Final Thoughts (Which Should Not Be Taken Seriously, or At All):

If you’re still reading, congratulations! You’ve passed the unofficial test of patience and curiosity. Stick around, engage with the madness, and remember: laughter is the only medicine that comes without side effects... unless, of course, you’re allergic to joy. In that case, consult your nearest sense of humor.

And if you do figure out who I am, kindly keep it to yourself. I prefer to maintain the illusion that I’m everyone and no one at the same time.

Thank you, good night, and may your next cup of tea be brewed to perfection!