The Official Introduction To Author Charlie Freak & Why I Am Choosing to Post on Steemit

Hello to everyone, my pen name is Charlie Freak, and I am honored to be a part of Steemit’s family of contributing authors. I plan to become a LONG TERM partner in Steemit because I believe strongly in what both Dan Larimer and Ned Scott have created. During this critical time in our Human existence, Steemit is perhaps the perfect manifestation of NON-CONFORMITY towards our existing societal model and COOPERATION between the “masses”; in particular, by embracing the relatively recent explosion of social media via our newest forms of technology. By creating a blockchain content website that rewards content creators and consumers with cryptocurrency for sharing and up-voting quality content on a dedicated social media platform, Steemit has gone OUTSIDE the mainstream of our Fascist system of Capitalism, to create a “home” for not only heartfelt, truthful information, but for content creation that is sustainable…rewarded through actual VALUE and not through a fraudulent system of “monopoly money”. What we are all participating in here, through Steemit, is the beginning of what Ayn Rand would have described as Atlantis…an alternative society of the best, non-corruptible minds that will literally “change the world” through ideas and concepts based on a system of MERIT and not lies. To say the least, I am very optimistic and excited about what we can manifest for this entire world through this website of honesty, transparency and the free-flow of information and ideas…

“Dan and I are similar in that we are motivated by the idea that we can improve the way of life for others. The state of Internet communities is imperfect – among the sometimes great content, there are also trolls, less than helpful comments and poor dialogue – so there was definitely a problem to solve there in the context of social media.”

Ned Scott, CEO, Steemit

My entire life has revolved around two constants, my love and passion for music, and my ceaseless search for Truth about our species and the Universe we were born into. Seven years ago, at the ripe age of 46, I walked away from an executive position within a Canadian Corporation to try and discover who I was and what I actually wanted out of life! I left behind western society riches, security and safety for uncertainty and infinite possibilities in the “wilds” of Mexico…to research every area of personal interest to me, and to learn to become an effective writer. I have certainly achieved the former, and I hope the latter. My wife and I are the living, breathing embodiment of peaceful NON-COMPLIANCE. We are off the grid, off the banking system, and fending entirely for ourselves; while simultaneously creating an entire world that we desire and believe in. On our large property, we have 11 dogs, 2 cats, 4 birds, a horse and a goat…along with us, they represent our FAMILY at Casa Lothlorien…a world unto itself for the exclusive purposes of Love and Creation.   I mention this portion above about my family to demonstrate that when I write about Non-Conformity as the solution to humanity’s current problems, I am not only writing about it, I am LIVING it. As someone with three University degrees in Business, including a degree in Economics and an MBA, I am also someone qualified to write about how organized society is merely a Rigged Game for the ruling elites to maintain their financial control over us. Whether we want to admit it or not, we are living within a dream world of Capitalism, where Politicians and their Corporate Masters (Fascism) tell us that this is the ONLY way we can proceed as an organized society, when it is NOT! We are indeed living a lie, which is why EVERY single planetary system is currently in decline. Just like a vacuous hole covered by a sheet of alabaster, society’s collective face is cracking away into the NOTHINGNESS that awaits it, because we live in a world that does NOT consider the Human NEEDS of Love, Tolerance, Acceptance and Freedom. Without these essential elements, we simply will not continue to exist as a species! These are the beliefs that represent the basis to my writings, which I plan to share with you on Steemit.   

First, I will soon be unveiling a weekly blog on Steemit entitled, Shut Him Up, inspired by Comedian Bill Hick’s famous, It’s Just a Ride, soliloquy. This weekly blog will expose precisely how the ruling elites distract, and thus control us, especially through their master creation…the Mainstream Media. However, this blog will not solely focus upon the problems of our current reality, it will also feature solutions that are necessary to break free from this nefarious system. My first installment will focus upon the concept of Patriotism and apply it to the Colin Kaepernick situation.   Second, I am currently writing a very special book entitled, The 101 Most Important Albums in Rock Music History: Decoding Universal Truth. This has been a long and wondrous process for me, as it represents the culmination of my life’s passions, studies and experiences thus far. The book represents not only a deep, detailed analysis over every detail of these 101 albums, but reveals the powerful information found within as the basis for humanity moving forward. The book connects the song’s music and lyrics to the truth that is found in every molecule of our Universe; namely, that LOVE IS THE WAY and thus, the answer to all of our supposed problems on this planet. I am considering releasing this book exclusively on Steemit, a revolutionary and subversive act, as it places my personal well-being in the hands of this collective brotherhood. I will base my decision upon how well my writings are met over the next couple of months.   Because of the length of the book, I will be releasing it over 20 volumes, as a countdown of these albums from #101 all the way to #1. The first volume (Volume 20, #101 to #97) will be available to the public by October of this year; from there, a new volume will be released every month until the entire collection is available. The book represents a detailed examination of these most important albums revealing both their “down the rabbit hole” truths (unmasking the corruption and conspiracy behind the ruling elites), with their Universal truths (the higher knowledge of Consciousness about our species that has been handed down to us through the centuries by our Ascended Masters, and that has now been confirmed by both Quantum Physics and Epigenetics). This book is an Open-minded and honest journey through the most gifted and divergent minds in Rock and Roll history; and the information and answers within will not only surprise you, but fill you with a new sense of hope and passion for our collective future upon this planet…and beyond!

Alaël Isilmë

It is my hope that you will find my writing both entertaining and inspiring, as all of my writing is meant to inspire CHANGE…a shift away from our current societal model that is based upon consumption and profits at all costs, to a world where we learn to BALANCE both our physical and our NON-PHYSICAL selves through LOVE and ACCEPTANCE. As outlandish as this may seem to some of you, to achieve this new reality, all that is required is a change in how we EDUCATE ourselves, especially our young. For example, if we started tomorrow teaching all of our children that the goal to life was to become whatever we wanted to be based upon the ancient Sanskrit principles of Satyagraha and Ahimsa, what would this world look like in say just 20 years??? Satyagraha literally means “clinging to truth” as a self-evident practice of personal growth and Ahimsa is the abstinence from violence either by thought, word, or deed. Isn’t this the world that you would wish to live in? Like the Shire in J.R.R. Tolkien’s world of Middle Earth, one that isn’t built around governments, laws and money; but rather, around the needs of people as they live their lives interacting with all other species? All life is merely a choice in every moment between Love and Fear. We can no longer simply sit idly by while the insanity of Politics and Economics ravages all living things upon this perfect planet. We must make a choice to NON-COMPLY, peacefully, from this corrupt and immoral system to a reality where WE THE PEOPLE provide for ourselves and others through the principles of LOVE and TRUTH! 

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