Does free-will even exist?

Hey Steemers!

I am writing this post to introduce myself to the community! My name is Ibrahim Che and I am a neuroscientist, cryptocurrency enthusiast/investor and a blockchain evangelist.

I am joining this community to share the experiences I gain studying the human brain/mind. Currently, there are a lot of really fascinating findings and discussions occurring in neuroscience. However, these findings are rarely spread to people outside of academia, which is unfair and undemocratic.

Even if you aren’t a natural scientist, don’t you want to know whether free-will really exists? And would it not be really cool to find out where your consciousness is stored?

The problem with the natural science is that most of the information is kept in highly centralized institutions, such as universities. Communities such as Steemit, in my opinion, are tools which can be used to revolt against this centralisation and allow the spreading of information to everyone.

My aim is to bring the newest research on neurosciences and human biology to you guys and be an active member of the Steemit community!


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