" Introducing Myself "

Good Day Steemians

   My name is Jaynald C. Pino would like to join the world of blogging, social networking website and social media with virtual currency  rewards. My hobbies are reading novel books or reading manga's and I like to sing and dance. I wanted to make friends around the world and I would like to hear  your opinions about belief's about religions, flat earth, aliens (especially AREA 51) and gods methologies.  Again I'm Jaynald C. Pino would like to deal some belief's.

Thank You !

Here are some of my questions.

  1. Do you believe that there's another living thing outside the world or universe?
  2. What you think about old gods like greek gods (like zeus, poseidon, hades and athena)?
  3. If god love us unconditionally why does he punish satan or didn't forgive him?


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