Introduce my self

Hi steemian. I'm a new member in steemit. Greetings. My name is Maksal Mina. Born on December 29, 2000 in Gampong Baro, sub-district of ocean, district of North Aceh, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam province. I have been educated at SD Negeri 11 Samudera and in SMP Negeri 1 Samudera. Now I am looking for knowledge in SMK 1 Lhoksukon, majoring in banking. I am the first child of 2 siblings. My sister is currently attending the same elementary school as I, SD Negeri 11 Samudera. I really like playing soccer especially football. My favorite footballer is Cristiano Ronaldo. He is a role model for me in playing soccer. This is because he is one of the great players with all his skills, speed, and agility to become the best player in the world (best player this the world). And my favorite club is real madrid. Real madrid is a great club that has great players and qualified to become the champion. Because of me they are motivated to become a great footballer. This is one of my goals and ideals even if not achieved later. However I will still try and practice so become a great football player later. In addition I also have a goal to be happy and proud of my parents, who have been guarding and educating me from childhood until now. His services really can not be replied, we can not measure, and we can not count with mathematical formulas. All we can do is keep the good name of my parents and make my parents proud of me.

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