A glimpse of me

Hello there!

My real name is Via Amor from Philippines, I'm a newbie in this platform. A fellow mate on read cash mentioned this Hive platform in some articles there and I was interested since I love to write. I'm not really a writer but I love to write my thoughts, and I'm also willing to learn so I guess this kind of platform can help me a lot not just maybe on financial but in writing skills.

I'm on my late 20's and my hobbies are reading, writing, and finding any online platform to earn money since I'm a jobless. I'm just taking care of my child, and I really want to have my own money I don't like depending to others. It really feels good and feeling accomplished having your own money by your hardworks. Rather than wasting time on social media platforms that doesn't give any value to your post, aside from excessive toxic people and toxic post I'd love to waste my time with values and learning I bet hive can offer.

I've been looking for this kind of platform where I can express my thoughts and opinions freely, without exposing so much of my identity. I also love to read informative articles as it will give more knowledge, especially about Cryptocurrency since I'm new to this. Joining hive, I'm pretty sure this platform could help me gain more knowledge.

I wish to have a good interaction with you all! I will do my best to cope up and learn to explore this platform.

This is me by the way,



Thank you and have a nice day!

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