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My Introblog: A Rare Diamond

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I am 32 years old and born on the month of September. My height is so tiny, but I'm physically healthy. I am a shy type person. I find more peace in the countryside or a place with less people.

Get to know more about me!

It is common in the family that the youngest is the luckiest because you got the attention of the parents and the rest of the family members. When it also comes to resources, the youngest got it all. However, that is not what happened to me. At an early age, I see how hard life is. My father died when I was two years old. I don’t even remember his face and the memories with him. My mother raised us alone. She is a farmer and a vegetable vendor.

When I was five, I already knew what is happening around me. Each one of us has their own responsibility in our house. Everybody must help in doing the household task. I also remember that we will just eat boiled banana and root crops. There are even times that we will just sleep at night without dinner and I can hear my stomach rumbling. Even though my mother was earning from selling fruits and vegetables and making rice cakes and banana cue, still it is not enough for our everyday needs because she is also paying the loan due to the hospitalization of my father. The kind of life that we have is the reason why I am determined to achieve something in life, not so high, but just enough to live, to help my family, and be happy. My voyage towards my dream is not that easy.

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In my first year in the city as a college student, it is really hard for me. I don’t how to cross the street. I am scared to ride a jeep. I don’t know how to use computer. I don’t know anything. I am almost run by a truck. My sister told me to observe the surroundings and learn because it is not all the time that she is there for me. I understand my sister. I know that she just want me to be brave and independent. She only gives me two hundred pesos every week as my allowance for food and minor expenses in school. It is difficult because everything in the city is expensive. Unlike in the province that I can live with limited amount of money as long as there are fruits or vegetables on the yard to cook and if I like to eat sea foods, the ocean is just in front of the house. You can buy inexpensive fresh fish from the fisherman or you can get shells during low tide. I keep thinking for a solution.

So, I ask favor from my board mates. I wash the clothes of my roommates every end of the week and each one of them give me one hundred pesos. It doesn’t matter if the laundry were too many or few. The fee is fixed. I earned minimum of three hundred pesos and maximum of five hundred pesos a week for washing clothes. Sometimes, the landlady asks me to clean the house and she gives me money. My other roommate, a public school teacher, ask me to help her with her paperwork and decorate her classroom and she gives me four or five hundred pesos. I also work during my vacant time at the office of Ma’am Tayad as a student assistant from Monday to Thursday and she pays me per hour. I am so blessed that those people are around me. I never forget them.

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After the graduation, I work right away in a hardware store as a customer service staff from Monday to Saturday to support the family. I have my review every Sunday. Unfortunately, I did not pass the examination for professional teachers on the first attempt. I cried a lot, however, I don’t give up. I take the board examination for the second time without any review or refresher. In God’s grace, I passed. That’s the start of my journey as a teacher. I resigned from my work in the private company and decided to volunteer as a teacher for ten months. I only received an honorarium of three thousand pesos per month. It is not enough, but I am happy of what I am doing. After, I apply for a permanent teacher and luckily, I was hired.

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I got married at the age of twenty-four and gifted with a son. But, my marriage doesn’t work. He and I do not have the same vision for the family. I am not a religious person, but I do believe that there is God. In every difficult situation, I always look at the bright side of it. There is a purpose on everything that happened.

My Hobbies

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My hobbies are cooking, gardening, watching movies and documentaries. I like to cook vegetable and pork dish. I also love to plant different kinds of flowers and vegetables at home and in school. In addition, I am fun of watching Filipino and English movies and documentaries in YouTube or Netflix after cleaning the house and washing clothes.

Who Brought me to Hive?

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Honestly, I am frightened to write because I am afraid that people going to criticize my English. I am not really good, but I do my best. I keep reading and watching videos about grammar. I feel better and relax after I wrote what is inside my mind. I honestly love to write. It is one of my passions. It is my way of expressing what’s inside of me especially when I am happy, sad, or frustrated.


I am so thankful that this website, the Hive was recommended to us by Ma’am @richdreamer and introduced to us by Ma’am @callmesmile and Ma’am @jobeliever because it is the perfect site to post a masterpiece and motivates people. I know that there are lots of people like me who loves to write, but feared of being judged.

"Don’t be scared to write what is inside your head as long as you are not hurting anybody. If you received criticism, just think the existence of a rare diamond, it was first exposed to a lot of pressure before it was crown as the most high value gemstone."