re re re intro

The best wishes all.
So and now finished that party nonsense. Now we are going to make a fresh start of a successful year ,if it is up to me. work a lot and try to make some better blogs. Again more by healthier and more healthy food.
As far as crypto is concerned, I'm going through nicely. I do not do it for the money. Although upvotes are always welcome. no I do it to develop myself. to learn and to tell most of all of my stories.
for those who do not know me. I am loonatic I have been at Steemit for 1.5 years now. I am 38 years old now I have 2 cats baloe and maloe. I live in Holland Zeeland Middelburg. where I live I look out on the harbor.
Thanks for watching and if you like leave a comment
Friendly regards Loonatic®

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