Introduction. My first day on Hive and Splinterlands



April 6th, 2022.
Today I registered on Hive Blockchain and opened my blog here. My main goal was Splinterlands. But first let me tell you a couple of words about myself.

About me

I am super positive person who never gives up and always believe in the better future! I always try to see only the best in people, and I believe that without trust and mutual respect it is impossible to build healthy relationships.

I am a very active and purposeful person who loves to learn something new. But of course, laziness is my faithful roommate.

I am interested in everything what is new to me. I will be glad to get any suggestions, recommendations about Hive, Splinterlands, about everything. Feel free to tell me whatever you want๐Ÿ˜

Hive and Me

I joined Hive to play Splinterlands, but I will do my best to stay with Hive too.

First of all, I will use it as my Splinterlands diary...

Splinterlands and Me

I started playing Splinterlands today, and I already did my first daily quest. I won a poison there. Now I need to get more cards.

I am trying to figure out how to buy some game credits, so then I can buy card packs.


My game dashboard looks boring right now, but I will work play hard to improve it!

Nice to meet you all!๐Ÿ˜Š

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