Into the Wild Gets Taken ~ #airlifted

I am kind of sad right now.I just finished my #fff post, feeling grand that I was able to put some food coherency into text. When, what is this?!

A bus I recognize, somewhat, being airlifted by a military helicopter, out of its non-natural, but, natural habitat.

A name that I have come to embody. A name that I have lived with for over 4 years. A name that means a lot to me because of the journey.

It really saddens me that this bus is no longer a part of that habitat. That quest. That story.

My current neighbor can legally have a pos 90's Suburban in his backyard, leaking who knows what into the ground, possibly poisoning my well water???....and a bus in the middle of no where gets airlifted on the tax payers dime...yuck

@intothewild will live on.

Unfortunately, the bus will not.

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