Hi everyone, I'm Idara Edem from the Niger Delta area of Nigeria. I'm currently residing in Ibadan, Oyo state Nigeria.
My personality is complex, though an introvert, I could be filled with a moment burst and surge of excitement when expressing myself in what I love to do (smiles).
I hold a B.Sc in Biochemistry and I'm currently pursuing an MPH degree in environmental health sciences at the University of Ibadan.
Aside being a public health advocate, I'm also a writer at heart. General every day experiences are what fuel my writings.
An area I'm currently exploring is poetry which I will interwine with my write ups here.
I'm a natural introvert (smiling) but I've been learning to look past that nature and try exploring things (winks).
I love having attention but also don't want to be the centre of attention (laughs), guess this is the crazy part I myself don't understand either.
I also love meeting new people, not intimidating ones though and also making new friends.
Despite my personality, I'm friendly and easy going. Working in a team is always something I look forward to as it gives me a huge sense of participation. My passion for God is a major aspect of my life, others I hold so dear include music, science and poetry.
I want to thank my very good friend Joshua Etim for introducing me to this patform. IMG_20180730_100245.jpg

I hope to meet new people, make new friends and create impact here.

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