The Internet

The internet. Filled with an endless supply of anything you could desire. It has had major impacts on society both positive and negative. However, I do believe it is a major force of good in the world. Yes, sometimes it may seem as if the bad is outweighing the good especially if you get into a habit of exploring the dark parts of the deep web but on the contrary most of what the average person uses the internet for is a big plus for humanity in general. Without the internet people would still be closeted to what is around in their tiny bubble of life. With the creation of this wonderful place humanity has begun the assimilation into a more free and justified society.  Like never before people are connecting and finding out what it’s like everywhere else on the planet without ever having to step out their door. The power others have over us is slowly yet surely diminishing and the clouds that once covered ideas and morals alike are being removed. The internet is making the world a much more peaceful place and I do believe it is spelling the end for war and warmongers alike. People are a lot less likely to act on violent orders if they can easily communicate to the once pawns of the other side ignoring the orders to kill a no longer faceless enemy.  The internet has also brought a comedic side to an otherwise bleak world. We’ve all seen the internet memes scattered across Facebook and Twitter whether they be funny, ironic, informative or just plain interesting knowledge is spreading faster than ever. Things that would never have been known by the average person are now just a few clicks away. Anyone can learn anything about whatever they have the feelings to discover. Yes lots of this information is useless and uninformative in the long run but anything that helps the human condition become a little less insufferable is a plus in my book. Not to mention Wikileaks and the new age of information. The internet is a place to remain anonymous and get anything you want off your chest out into the world for others to see and consume. It has become a safe haven for those looking to help the world become a better place and keep the average person as informed on worldly happenings as possible. We’re in a new age of information that the world has never seen before and has yet to fully comprehend. Humanity is using this gold piece to keep the clock ticking and the world going round. It must be protected at all costs for if the internet becomes just another mandated trash heap the world will need to find another outlet for itself. Every time you post on the internet you are on the biggest stage the world has ever witnessed and the greatest too. What a glorious invention and one of the wondrous peaks of our species as a whole.  

The internet. Filled with an endless supply of anything you could desire. It has had major impacts on society both positive and negative. However, I do believe it is a major force of good in the world. Yes, sometimes it may seem as if the bad is outweighing the good especially if you get into a habit of exploring the dark parts of the deep web but on the contrary most of what the average person uses the internet for is a big plus for humanity in general. Without the internet people would still be closeted to what is around in their tiny bubble of life. With the creation of this wonderful place humanity has begun the assimilation into a more free and justified society.  Like never before people are connecting and finding out what it’s like everywhere else on the planet without ever having to step out their door. The power others have over us is slowly yet surely diminishing and the clouds that once covered ideas and morals alike are being removed. The internet is making the world a much more peaceful place and I do believe it is spelling the end for war and warmongers alike. People are a lot less likely to act on violent orders if they can easily communicate to the once pawns of the other side ignoring the orders to kill a no longer faceless enemy.  The internet has also brought a comedic side to an otherwise bleak world. We’ve all seen the internet memes scattered across Facebook and Twitter whether they be funny, ironic, informative or just plain interesting knowledge is spreading faster than ever. Things that would never have been known by the average person are now just a few clicks away. Anyone can learn anything about whatever they have the feelings to discover. Yes lots of this information is useless and uninformative in the long run but anything that helps the human condition become a little less sufferable is a plus in my book. Not to mention Wikileaks and the new age of information. The internet is a place to remain anonymous and get anything you want off your chest out into the world for others to see and consume. It has become a safe haven for those looking to help the world become a better place and keep the average person as informed on worldly happenings as possible. We’re in a new age of information that the world has never seen before and has yet to fully comprehend. Humanity is using this gold piece to keep the clock ticking and the world going round. It must be protected at all costs for if the internet becomes just another mandated trash heap the world will need to find another outlet for itself. Every time you post on the internet you are on the biggest stage the world has ever witnessed and the greatest too. What a glorious invention and one of the wondrous peaks of our species as a whole.  

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