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Theresa May is planning to introduce huge regulations on the way the internet works, allowing the government to decide what is said online.

Last fall President Obama informed officially that The US has confirmed it is finally ready to cede power of the internet’s naming system, ending the almost 20-year process to hand over a crucial part of the internet's governance.

i.e The Domain Naming System, DNS, which is one of the internet’s most important components.

It will give up its power fully to Icann - the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers - a non-profit organisation. The terms of the change were agreed upon in 2014, but it wasn’t until now that the US said it was finally satisfied that Icann was ready to make the change. Icann will get the “keys to the kingdom”, as one expert put it, on 1 October 2016. From that date, the US will lose its dominant voice - although Icann will remain in Los Angeles.

Users of the web will not notice any difference - that’s because Icann has essentially been doing the job for years anyway. 

But it’s a move that has been fiercely criticised by some US politicians as opening the door to the likes of China and Russia to meddle with a system that has always been “protected” by the US. 

"The proposal will significantly increase the power of foreign governments over the Internet,” warned a letter signed by several Republican senators

Well ..... Many Many people has been speculating WHY Obama took a decision as that .. and for what reason?!
The list of guessings were looooooooong .....

Well.. now we know for sure what the reason was .. and that is CENSORSHIP!
We have also already start to see the rest of the puzzle-pieces falling into place, e.g  all talk about Fake news (by THE fake News)as one example.

But why was it so important to give away these rights to a NGO organisation as ICANN,
especially since it had worked perfectly well for over 20 years now?!

Answer : When it was under US protection, it was also under US LAW,

which include The First Amendment of the United States Constitution , i.e FREE SPEECH !!

An NGO like ICANN is NOT submitted to the United States Constitution in anyway.

NOW .. Here comes the next puzzle-piece .. and the result of the transfer of the "DNS governance" that US been "governed" since the start of internet.

"Theresa May is planning to introduce huge regulations on the way the internet works, allowing the government to decide what is said online.Particular focus has been drawn to the end of the manifesto, which makes clear that the Tories want to introduce huge changes to the way the internet works."Some people say that it is not for government to regulate when it comes to technology and the internet," it states. "We disagree."
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