It really is time to THINK!

Firstly, and to introduce myself, I am now in the 7th decade of my long and very interesting life, and as I am certainly not a conformist of any shape or form, Thao, my beautiful young Vietnamese bride, and I have just welcomed the arrival of our son Liam, born on 31st May, 2016. That is my 3rd son, her 2nd and our 4th. So I am truly blessed and somewhat challenged as to how to both harness my creativity and provide for this amazing new life form that has entrusted himself to our care.

I have lived and worked in many countries and cultures and have visited many, many more. My main blessing in this life is to have been born with an unquenchable enthusiasm and zest for life and a great desire to extract the very most from this profound existence.

On my journey, the two main things that I continually notice and that have irked me all my life is that it is apparent that the vast majority of people simply DO NOT THINK and have a very poor grasp of the English language and grammar. That is they are incapable of having an original thought and then succinctly transcribing that thought to paper (Please note that I am only addressing English speaking people here as that is the only language I am proficient in!).

They do THINK that they are THINKING, but what is really happening is that they are simply regurgitating the ideas and opinions installed in them by the programming of the "Educational System" and Mass Media, which (unless you live in a cave) you would know is totally controlled by the so called “ruling elite”.

This same ruling elite use the Problem/Reaction/Solution mind control techniques to move society in the direction that suits their globalist agendas.

The proliferation of false-flag attacks that have led to unending war is all part of this.

The accepted statistic is that people have about 60,000 thought a day. The problem is that these are the same thoughts that they had yesterday and the day before, will have tomorrow and the day after, ad infinitum. They watch the evening news which could be re-titled " It's 5 pm and now we are going to tell you what to think.

Fortunately I was born with an insatiable curiosity and have QUESTIONED everything in my life. However, and especially as I am becoming more and more awakened to the evil corruption that stalks this sphere of existence and the irreparable damage being inflicted on both the environment and the human population in the name of never ending growth and profits, I am now questioning things that I have previously held to be core beliefs but which I now recognise have actually been implanted in me by the self-same system of programming that I have unknowingly allowed myself to be subjected to and influenced by.

My current daily challenge to myself is to try to have at least one ORIGINAL THOUGHT, every day that can help to engender the change we so desperately need in the world. That is, to become the change I want to see in the world. The difficulty with this is that even though we (Humanity) profess, as a species, to understand the Universe, the Human Body, Nature and all of its’ wonders, we still have no real idea (and certainly no proof!) where thoughts actually originate or how we can possibly influence their coming into being.

A year ago I had a profound spiritual experience that changed my entire outlook on life, my whole belief system, the direction my life was heading in and my relationship with myself and everyone else I come into contact with.
I was incredibly fortunate to be invited to a healing ceremony with a South American Shaman who, by using 5-MeO-DMT, opened my eyes and my soul to the truth that we (humans) and all other life forms (both plant and animal) and all inanimate matter are all expressions of the same consciousness and that LOVE is the single most potent force that exists.

I actually attended two of these healing ceremonies because, having experienced it myself and the profound insights it led me to, I then took my two grown sons to the second one; as an experience as profound as this simply had to be shared with my nearest and dearest. (Unfortunately, there was no way that I could not entice my wife to experience it as she saw it as indulging in illicit drugs).

But what became undeniably clear to me during this healing process (call it a detox of the brain if you like) is that our thoughts originate outside of us, somewhere and somehow within this “field of consciousness” and we “download” them for our individual use.

If you liken your brain to a radio tuner, then you will only receive transmissions of thought that you are “tuned” into.

If a truly fantastic idea happens to come your way and you are not tuned in to receive it, it will simply pass on to someone else.

So, if you are wallowing in a pit of self-pity and medicating yourself with alcohol or other drugs, your chances of receiving an inspiring thought that can re-set the future direction of humanity is non-existent.
Alternatively, you can immerse yourself in Nature, spend time meditating, and cleanse your body of the incessant flow of toxins that modern life delivers to us in our food, water, the products we use to clean our homes and bodies and even in the air that we breathe.
This will effectively raise your frequency and, if you can get your ego to get out of the way, will allow inspirational thoughts to flow your way.
My simple prayer is that if enough people can WAKE UP, and really start to think, rather than simply existing as wage slaves serving the needs of the elite, then we can create the profound change that is so desperately needed to free this world and divert it from its’ self-destructive path.
Without Nature, we cannot exist, as we cannot eat Money, and we cannot soothe our souls with mass media entertainment or social media.
We need to STOP and truly THINK!

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