Friends of the Earth


Hi, friend. Do you imagine how our earth is in 2040? Do you know how to live modern humans that year? OK. If you can't imagine it, let me tell you a little.

Year 2040. The year in which the age is far from the modern word. Maybe it can be called super modern. All equipment in the world is truly sophisticated. If now you have a gadget that you think is very sophisticated, then in 2040 there is more advanced technology from the gadget. If now you can travel anywhere by car, then in 2040, you can travel anywhere with a flying car.

But friend, do you know? The state of our earth and nature is far from beautiful. In 2040, you will no longer be able to find trees and green plants. You will never see fresh water again like water that you can enjoy now. You can never again find clean air to fill your lungs.
In this year, you will only find thick, dirty air mixed with smoke that suffocates your chest. You only see the turbid water from industrial waste which is certainly disgusting. And what's even more frightening, as long as your eyes are blown, you will only find tall buildings and multilevel industries that are jostling to stand.

But for those with genius, this is not a big problem. They can easily create super-sophisticated water filter devices for them to drink. They can also easily create the latest air conditioners that can clean the air around their houses.

Indeed, at a glance, all look easy with technology. But trust me, friend. Nothing is more fun than something natural. Moreover, the weather in this era, the effects of global warming are getting worse, feels very hot. Just 10 glasses of ice will not be enough to correct the heat.

Until one day, a disaster came, a disaster where the entire machine and computer system suddenly died. The modern city of 2040 was paralyzed instantly. The human being immediately loses clean water from the filter, the human being loses the clean air they usually get from the machines
They were then forced to drink waste water in order to maintain life, but of course that would not fix anything at all. they are also forced to start breathing using dirty air without cleaning first. And, it is at this time that humans will realize how important nature and trees are to them.

That's how it is. At this point all humans begin to regret. Regret for being too trifling with nature and thinking too much about technology. Regret for killing thousands of trees just for the sake of the advanced machinery industry.
Hi, friend. This is my story. I hope you can understand the meaning of this message. One message, be friends with nature. Because actually all this time nature has made humans as friends. It's just that we don't realize it.

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