Insect Portraits - Butterflies

A few more of my insect portraits, this set of images focuses on some of the Butterflies I have seen in the garden.

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Brimstone Butterfly - Gonepteryx rhamni

The Brimstone is a fairly large, pale yellow butterfly, with distinctive, leaf-shaped wings. It over-winters as an Adult, so is often one of the first butterflies seen in Spring.

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Green-veined White - Pieris napi

A relatively common species in the UK, it gets its name from the so-called green veins on the underside of the wings. These are in fact an illusion created by a subtle combination of yellow and black scales

Orange-tip - Anthocharis cardamines

Another early Butterfly seen in Spring, The males are unmistakable; white butterflies with bright orange wingtips. The females are white with black wingtips, which is an example of sexual dimorphism. This means there are physical differences males and females of the same species

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Holly Blue - Celastrina argiolus

This small butterfly is frequently found in gardens, and often lays its eggs on Holly which gives it its name

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Small White - Pieris rapae

One of the Cabbage White species, this one has often been considered a pest by gardeners of brassicas (broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower etc).

As always feel free to check out my website for info on my Insect Portrait Project:

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