My entry to Photo Fun Contest - Week 24 – “Insect” Photography

Hola, hoy presento mi entrada a Photo Fun Contest - Week 24 – “Insect” Photography con esta mascota que sin pedir permiso construyo su telaraña en la ventana de mi habitacion, aunque pensandolo bien ella no necesita permiso para tejer su telaraña y convertir mi ventana en su hogar... Realmente no me hace ningun daño, creo que podre convivir con ella, ahora, no se si llamarle mascota o vecina
English | Hello today I present my entry to Photo Fun Contest - Week 24 - "Insect" Photography with this pet that without asking permission I build its web in the window of my room, although thinking about it well she does not need permission to weave her web and turn my window into her home ... It really does not hurt me, I think I could live with her, now, I do not know if I call her a pet or a neighbor


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