Innovation - Its importance in our daily life and for Businesses

Innovation - a term, a word, a definition, and introduction
A well-defined concept whose principle is: Let's bring something new

Innovation => Something new => Progress

Innovation means introduction of new stuff and things. Great innovations starts with great ideas. Innovative ideas are those who can shape the way we see and use things. Innovation is the processing of converting those ideas in something practical, innovative resulting in new opportunities. This whole process means Progress. Progress is what keeps us moving all the time.

Innovation => Creativity => Are these two related

Technology Innovation. Tech people always say they are working to create great things, to develop innovative ideas.
🔵 Creativity - Creating values
🔵 Innovation - Creating new opportunities
Those two terms are often connected together.
How are those two connected. Very Simple

Creativity means generating new ideas, meanwhile Innovation means successful implementation of those ideas

Photo by Paul Frenzel on Unsplash

We need Innovation - Great impact on Economy Growth and Businesses

Innovation can play an important role in the competitiveness and productivity of businesses. Innovation is understood to be the core part of productivity. Innovation can help companies to improve the way their products and services are developed and delivered, or introduce new ones.

For sure Technological Innovation is changing a lot of concepts in our society

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