News: August, 27th - Telegram - Paris2024 - US Elections

I am testing a new format with some news related writing. this is made via app and the text should display best on the platform.

On the menu today:

****France:**** Paralympics opening ceremony tomorrow Telegram CEO still in detention No new PM yet but everything is still fine

The world:
69 days till U.S elections

Leoshort are out on 3Speak
VSC network

# France - Telegram and Paralympics games

Telegram CEO still detained

International news from this weekend in France, I am sure most of you around the cryptosphere got the news that telegram CEO Pavel Duroc or his new French name Paul du Rove which he official got around the same time of getting his French citizenship where people are starting to ask questions how he got granted that. Apparently he met the requirement for a special talent kind of citizenship.

Anyway as of today he is still in custody(detained) as it was prolonged yesterday I believe, officer can keep him up until Wednesday in my understanding. He is accused of not doing moderation on Telegram and not complying with authorities. Telegram says they respect the law in Europe and that their CEO shouldn't be held responsible for what users are doing on the platform specially around illegal activity.

Paris 2024 continue with Paralympics games

On a less political topic and after a few weeks of break time, the Paralympic Games are starting tomowow with the opening ceremony on August 28th 2024.

Tickets can still be bought on the official website of Paris2024

You can even buy tickets for the ceremony tomorrow for 450€, apparently it didn't sell out.

Good luck to all the athletes that will participates, may they get all the medals they deserve.
Go sports!

France still fighting for new PM role as the previous government resigned in early summer.

The president has the power to nominate a new PM to the role in order to create a new government, it is typically held by the group with a clear majority in the lower house (national assembly) but Macron is worried that consensus won't be built so he is not willing to nominate someone from the left collation.

Anyway the country is still running so why would he rush and give power back? Zero Incentives here.

# The world

US elections coming soon 69 days to go

It is election year in the U.S and people are looking for which candidat to support. After a near miss assassination attempt on Trump and the withdrawal of Biden leaving the place to his Vice President Harris to try and take over the country for the next 4 years. A lot already happened in the last few months and I am sure we will see intense stuff before the final day.

Election years in the US are important also for people around the world as a change in administration can change relationship dynamics between the USA and its allies around the world.

# Hive news
## VSC and EVM Apparently the VSC network is live bringing better smart contrat to Hive which are EVM compatible meaning people building dapps on other blockchain like Ether (ETH) can migrate more easily and deployed here and vice versa.

I haven't gotten yet into technical of how it will work but people are saying that it is an important stepping stone for the ecosystem, allowing us to shine a bit more in the crypto world. It is nice to see initiate to use "standards" it makes the blockchain a bit more serious to outside people. Just like it was important to have Ledger integration, having stuff like metamask, EVM contract and more developers is important.

You can find info on their website:

Leoshorts!!! wen OnlyLeo:)

I see it made it into the interface on desktop and mobile (camera icon), you can now record shorts which are posted on 3speak and you will be able to see them in threads and on your profile as a new feed.

I really need to try it at some point.

That is all from me today, I am trying a new format of article in order to get back a bit in the game, I haven't posted a lot during the summer and no long form content in like 17 days. Building on Hive is really about grinding and doing so consistently so we have to keep working at it everyday.

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