22 Years Until I'm a Hive Whale!

You may or may not know about the 3% 'inflation' that's paid out automatically to Hive Power every year.

So even if you didn't vote or post and you had 100 Hive Powered Up, you'd end up with 103 HIVE POWER after a year.

That may be insignificant down at those lowly HP levels, but if you've got 100K HP, then that's 3K Hive a year, or around $1000 a year which is SOMETHING!

But even at those levels 3% isn't enough to really GROW yer account significantly, but then again that's not the point of the inflation reward, that's just about keeping level I guess.

But anyway, this is just a precursor to this post, and I've factored this 3% into my models below...

22 years until 580K HP....

That should just about get me to Whale Status, the numbers required keep going up, so it might be another year or two after, but whatever, just shy of 600K HP is massive enough even without the MVEST Whale Label....

This is based on starting with 107K HP (I added more since!) and then adding 1000 more a month, and factoring in that additional 3%....

You can see that after only three years this brings me up to 154K HP. my next significant goal which I guess now means every 50K.

In used this compound interest calculator

Screenshot 2024-05-20 at 08.15.03.png

Compound magic really kicks in later on....

in the last few years of the 22 I'd be gaining 6K additional HP just from that 3% compounding on > 500K HP!

Screenshot 2024-05-20 at 08.15.15.png

A long term goal...

Whether I get there or not I don't know, technological change may mean Hive is defunct by that point, it might mean it's more relevant than ever, but for now it's a nice target to have in mind, and very manageable, I added 2K HP last month alone, so I'm well ahead of the curve ATW.....

We shall see how it goes, it would be nice to get to that Whale Status, just for the hell of it, really!

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