Feels Great to Take a Break and Disconnect

Yesterday was my 552nd consecutive daily post even though I didn't write any post.

What I did was to write two of them the day before and only publish one, and keep the other in drafts, knowing I will need it yesterday.

I was mostly away from home for the entire day to a nearby city, having an appointment there but also taking some time off after that. When I came back home, I just hit publish and answered a few comments and upvoted a few posts. I knew I would be too tired for anything else, so it was important to have the post prepared so that I won't be thinking about it throughout the day.

I also had some time to catch up and talk about important life topics with my sister, who accompanied me. It's a pity that despite living in the same town and visiting each other, we rarely have enough time or mental energy to go into deeper topics more often. Or my nieces (her daughters) demand attention, so it's hard to do it with them around. We started to plan for other quick getaways, but unlikely to be just the two of us any time soon. More like for for the entire family or most of it.

Anyway, I liked the almost total breakaway from Hive. It's needed from time to time.

I will probably have another break on Monday, but of a different kind. The workers on our house will be ready to break through the ceiling then, and it will be a terribly noisy day. Probably a dirty one too, although they have a plan to make as little dirt as possible and they take care of the rough cleaning too, but I imagine we will still have the hallway, if not the rooms too, filled with a pretty thick bed of dust anyway.

I think we will bail for most of the day and leave them do their work. We probably can't help much until things are over, and being in all the noise and dust doesn't make sense to me. Since it will be on Monday, I won't prepare a post in advance because that will be my weekly Hive goals update. But I think I can do it after they finish work, in the evening. Hopefully! Because that post also implies taking some actions which also take some time.

They've been a great team, barely any supervision needed and doing excellent work in a timely manner (I don't say that lightly about workers/plumbers etc. - many of my experiences have been poor in the past), but after almost 2 months with them around, and probably some more for a while, we need some break and intimacy.

Oh well, that's life... Hive is only a small part of it, even though sometimes it feels it's the biggest...

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